On confirming that I would be going to Tenwek Hospital in January; I contacted them to see if there were a project that friends and acquaintances might wish to fund.
Tenwek Internet Update Project
I have requested of them regarding a project for which we may provide support. Surprisingly, hospitals in even the most primitive locales, have rather sophisticated internet services. This is necessary for all the same reasons that occur in stateside hospitals but more so because of the remoteness of the facility. Not only is the internet service needed for the transfer of patient information, but also for logistics, managerial aspects as well as the provision of pastoral services, and information services for evangelism.
It is estimated that the completion of the conversion would cost about $5000 USD.. Should you feel led to give to this project please send your tax deductible check to:
Vaughn Forest Baptist Church-Kenya Project
c/0Vaughn Forest Baptist Church
c/0Vaughn Forest Baptist Church
8660 Vaughn Road |
Montgomery |
AL |
36117 |
Samaritan's Purse- FBO Walter Boutwell-Tenwek Internet Project
c/oSamaritan's Purse/ World Medical Mission
P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607
Phone (828) 262-1980
Fax (828) 266-1056
About TenwekSamaritan's Purse- FBO Walter Boutwell-Tenwek Internet Project
c/oSamaritan's Purse/ World Medical Mission
P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607
Phone (828) 262-1980
Fax (828) 266-1056
Tenwek Hospital is one of the largest mission hospitals in Africa. It provides primary health care to 600,000 Kipsigis people within a 32 kilometer radius and serves a referral center for a much larger region. Surrounding Tenwek are several small government dispensaries and health centers; many patient referrals come from those facilities.
At Tenwek all types of medical and surgical conditions are treated. Tenwek hospital has 308 beds and includes large general wards for the surgery, medicine, pediatrics and obstetrical services. An ophthalmology ward, and an orthopedic ward were added in 1997.
The maternity unit contains 72 beds, three delivery tables, and an operating room.
Two neonatal nurseries care for infants who are sick or premature. These nurseries have an average daily census of about 40 babies and it is to these nurseries that I have been asked to provide services. Laboratory, X-ray, physiotherapy, and ultrasound provide diagnostic and rehabilitative services. Routine biochemistry, hematology, and bacteriology studies along with blood banking services are available. Two large X-ray units, two portable X-ray units and two ultrasound machines are operational. Centrally piped oxygen and suction are available to most departments and wards.
Tenwek Hospital in collaboration with two other mission hospitals in Kenya, ( Kijabe and Chogoria together with Moi University Medical School in Eldoret) are operating a Family Medicine Residency. The medical school’s Institute of Family Medicine is the sponsor of this program.
Tenwek began its general surgery residency program at the beginning of February 2008. The residency is affiliated with COSECSA (College of Surgery in East, Central and Southern Africa) and PAACS (Pan American Association of Christian Surgeons).
Although the focus of service at Tenwek is serving Africans, Tenwek Hospital has helped educate scores of volunteers from overseas. This includes an active program utilizing medical students, residents, and practicing physicians as short-term volunteers.
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