It is D-day -4 and I am hip-deep in final computations, complications and corrections. This has been made most difficult. I had been planning to carefully organize my stuff with time to repack or replace if needed before leaving about noon on the 14th. Instead there has been a steady procession of unexpected but "essential" tasks to complete before lift off. I discovered that I needed to find, drive to, complete and obtain the card for a Basic Life Support (BLS) course before I leave (Tuesday afternoon and evening just evaporated); my cell phone which I was planning to use for global service is 'hors d'combat' and had to be replaced, resynced, learned and troubleshot (last Saturday vanished); my wife's car battery died (last Thursday went AWOL); my bags are too small to pack the promised microscope which I had to collect Tuesday (emergent purchase of the biggest duffels I can find, promised arrival in two days).
As it is, "packing" is represented by piles of clothes, boxes, camera bags, tools, and paraphenalia on our enclosed porch, awaiting the promised duffels for "Big Duff" (I don't make this stuff up).
This task, writing this blog entry, will mean one more check off the list though, so I am well pleased. Regardless, I am where I am supposed to be and Lord willing (and I can find a driver) I will be on the plane at 5:30 PM out of ATL, heading for Schipol for a few hours before flying to Nairobi, staying overnight there before going on to Bomet on Saturday.
Keep me in your prayers.
On the Road Again
9 years ago
Bon Voyage, Brother Walt! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers that the Lord will grant you a safe trip and that your service will be a blessing to all. Thank you for your friendship and your confidence. Hope I can live up to it.